Maybe you wanna read this before heading Mondays :)


Hello people πŸ™‚
Have you ever felt like the picture below? Felt so busy and lack of time ?? haha. I have ever felt like that too. Ups :p

Oke this time we will take some break, take some oxygen to our lungs and blow it then read it πŸ™‚

As we know that it takes a genius to live in a simple way.

In this world of ‘dramatic distraction’ and overwhelmed information around us it is too easy for us to lose focus and be swept away from the things that matter most. It makes so many impacts for our job and our daily activities.

Now here 14 tips that I have learnt from a blog and I have been trying to apply it in my daily activities and become more pay attention about how I spend my time.

1. Dont forget to shalat and say Bismillah before we got our work started for moslems .

2. Turn of all technologies for 60 minutes to getting us focused to do our most important work.

3. Dont check and updating facebook status first thing in the morning.
This one is the most particular influence my productivity, hehe πŸ˜€

4. Start your day with excercise .
I often to do this, but I’m sure that it makes a positive impact to our productivity

5. Be obedient to the Sabbath !!
It means we must learn how to refuel and taking one full day to get rest or gathering with our family or friends πŸ˜€

6. Learn to say no !!

7. Plan your week ahead
Sometimes I do this every evening Sunday in 30 minutes. I’m sure if you do your plan well, you are good enough .

8. Dont answer your phone immediately when it rings.
Remember that you have your rights to have a free time.

9. Sleep early and get up early
Dont forget to Tahajjud if you are a moslems . This is the best time for us to focus of what we want and pray to Allah

10. Eat a big healthy breakfast
Come on !!! You spend almost 9 hours (for common people) to do your work. Imagine what will happen if you dont have any breakfast trough your day?

11. Clean out your closet, neat your desk, get rid of things you never use or wear anymore

12. Stop watching TV
Well, I’m trying to do this, so now I cutback my time to watch TV no more …. hour(s) per day. hehehehe πŸ˜€ (*still thinking to fill it)

13. Make sure we plan a decent holiday per year.
I find it it should be at more 10 days per year

14. Learn to protect our time.
Plan our activities, learn to say no and get it done πŸ™‚

Hope this post is usefull
Just take a break, read and evaluate

source : Tom Basson’s blog, google image
edited by : Bagus Tri Nuscahyo

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